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Consulting Psychologists of Color
Annual Conference
The Gathering.. Again!
2025 | Atlanta, GA
November 7-9
Learn together. Grow together.

Learn together. Grow together.
Inspired by our cornerstone Learning Circles, the 2025 Conference of the Consulting Psychologists of Color will provide an opportunity to uncover and expand Connections, shape thoughtful and action-initiating Conversations, and generate Commitments to provide support to each other.
The Gathering will provide us with a weekend of opportunities to take those Connections, Conversations, and Commitments to another level. We will have the added benefits of interacting in person, taking advantage of some of what the City of Atlanta has to offer.
Network with CP-OC Members.
Discover new tools, resources, and skills.
Gain access to exclusive industry updates.
Share your expertise, knowledge, and work.
Charging Our Connections
There are more details to come and opportunities to contribute to designing The Gathering. Imagine charging our Connections, appreciating the similarities and differences of our experiences as the “first or few”; not intending to be “the last or only”; and uncovering the Connections between our self-identities as Persons of Color!

Empowering Our Conversations
Rather than keynote speakers, imagine facilitators shaping deep and stimulating Conversations around areas like:
The dynamics of similarities when you get to coach or lead someone who looks like you
Responding to the charge of an African proverb, “until the lion learns how to write, the stories will always favor the hunter’ by intentionally researching and publishing more
Building our temples for tomorrow, strong as we know how – What foundations will build your business to last and make a difference
Eyes and Ears Wide Open – How Traditions and Trends Impact Achieving Our Missions
“We come together because it is good for kin[folk] to do so.”
– Chinua Achebe, Author of 'Things Fall Apart'

Building Our Commitments
The Gathering is intended to add to your journey. Through your attendance, you further your professional commitments by participating in round-robin style exchanges that focus on:
Offering support and resources to others
Sharing your needs to build a larger conversation
Asking your questions and finding answers
Exchanging industry insights with individuals from a wide range of backgrounds and demographics
Providing personal testimonials
Unlike traditional conferences focused on panel discussions, the CP-OC annual conference encourages group discussion and the exchange of information.
Plan Ahead
Consulting Psychologists of Color Annual Conference 2025
Please reach out to us at cpocgathering@gmail.com. We welcome your reactions, suggestions, and any interest in joining the Planning Committee.
Keep breathing. Keep growing. Stay connected.